Born in France in 1980 from an Sicilian family, Frank Riggio is a Recording artist, film music composer & mastering engineer who lives south of France.
Music lover since his early childhood, Frank Riggio is a multi-talented artist who excels in both sound design and music composition.
Frank Riggio has released five studio albums, including Raze – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, three EPs and officially remixed artists like Amon Tobin (for Ninja Tune) and HECQ (aka Ben Lukas Boysen).
Frank Riggio's music proves hard to classify his unique inspiration within certain genres. Rich textures utilized in a masterful way, together with deep ambience and a solid yet very humane drumming as well as the excellent use of 'real' instruments, make his work stand out in many ways. Frank shapes up his own musical path through a magnificent mix between darkness, mistery and ethnic soundscapes.
Currently, Frank works on multiple art projects, in a great variety of fields such as sound manipulation, music, architectural installations and image processing. He also produces music for the several TV Channels.
Interviews & Reviews

Last sounds
Visual art Collaborations
From Psychexcess II - futurism album
Hymen records, 2015
Hymen records, 2015
TTTT / Official Music Video
Artist: Frank Riggio / Director: Mert Kizilay / Label: Hymen Records
TTTT / Editor’s Cut
Artist: Frank Riggio / Director: Mert Kizilay / Editor: Ozan Yildirim
2023 - 2024
Invisible, odorless & impalpable, what kind of imprints does the music leaves? "Empreinte Musicale" the new trilogy of albums ☆♪
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The trilogy has been created throughout the french literal meaning "Empreinte" (English: imprint). Each track represents an imaginary "Empreinte" and each album is an "Empreinte" as a whole. In order to feed the concept in a sonic way, a large palette of sounds (footsteps, rain, printer, train, car, sand...) has been recorded then processed to be used in musical contexts, together connected to all the other electronic (synths, vocoder, fx...) and acoustic elements (drums, vocals, guitar, harp…).
The quality, diversity, and re-listenability of this Trilogy are simply outstanding ... It's incredibly fluid and detailed… calming and challenging. Some very experimental sound design techniques going on, and the album goes so many different places and covers so much territory that it puts me in serious awe.
The “Empreinte Musicale” trilogy represents an exploration of sounds and emotions, a bridge between sound design and composition, a blend of both musical aspects that combine to be greater than the sum of its parts.
Empreinte Musicale - 1 "Many different moods are explored, each one in vivid color. Everything from blissful mellow numbers to melancholy and sad, or angry storms."
Consisting of 3 albums & 3 singles, this new project will be released digitally in a course of 3 months (6 releases, one every two weeks).
Releases dates:
- Empreinte Initiale (Single) : 16/04/2021
- Empreinte Musicale 1 (Album) : 30/04/2021
- Empreinte Phénoménale (Single) : 14/05/2021
- Empreinte Musicale 2 (Album) : 28/05/2021
- Empreinte Originale (Single) : 11/06/2021
- Empreinte Musicale 3 (Album) : 25/06/2021
Releases dates:
- Empreinte Initiale (Single) : 16/04/2021
- Empreinte Musicale 1 (Album) : 30/04/2021
- Empreinte Phénoménale (Single) : 14/05/2021
- Empreinte Musicale 2 (Album) : 28/05/2021
- Empreinte Originale (Single) : 11/06/2021
- Empreinte Musicale 3 (Album) : 25/06/2021
2018 / 2019 mark the debut of Aqka Torr, new Frank moniker as music composer & live performer
who knows
Aqka Torr whose recent album, Taquin (EP), was released on Lakeshore Records. His follow up release under this vocals and synth project (a departure from his studio albums and cinematic scores), comes to us in the form of Baissaigu (LP) via Lakeshore Records.
“I wanted to change my style up a bit and head in a direction that is more accessible, with catchy vocals and synth lead music as Aqka Torr. I mainly produced these tracks using analog and modular synths, both hardware and software. The idea was to have a bassy textured hip-hop, pop and psychedelic music influenced album. Utilizing delicate distortions and raw percussions, I wanted varied tracks throughout, yet maintain coherence as a whole.”
en français
Plus de 10 ans après la sortie de son premier album, Frank Riggio se renouvelle sous l’avatar Aqka Torr pour prendre un virage pop électronique mutante aux divers influences allant du hip hop, la techno ou les musiques psychédélique. Mettant de côté les textures instrumentale acoustique pour laisser plus de place aux voix, aux synthétiseurs modulaire comme analogique, Aqka Torr nous plonge dans une musique aussi délicate que rugueuse. Le vocal, habituellement travaillé au même niveau que n'importe quel instruments sur les précédent albums de Riggio passent dorénavant au premier plan sur la majorité des titres de l'album Bassaigu et de l' EP Taquin. Les featuring vocals (Azeem, Darius Gall) s'accordent à merveille avec les productions organiques que propose Aqka Torr.
Malgré cette nouvelle direction musicale radicalement plus mélodique, easy-listening et direct, les textures recherchée et le sound design reste toujours présent, les auditeurs y trouveront les ingrédients qui ont défini la musique de Frank Riggio tout au long de sa discographie. Désormais signé sur le label Lakeshore Record, spécialisé dans les musique de film, Riggio n'oublie pas de rappeler par ce clin d'oeil ses origines, comme pour mieux préparer l'avenir.
A noter qu’une vingtaine de titres ont été parallèlement produit exclusivement pour le live et seront disponible nulle part ailleurs.
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