Let's Celebrate Together ☆♪

Let's Celebrate Together ☆♪

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Emailing & Newsletter - Roster 2021 to 2022 - March 13, 2021

Hi World,

Here I am, wishing you a pleasant weekend and sending you this email with everything new & good, that you'll probably want to know about.

What's on‍

Ideas need people. Here are our On Being Projects‍:

Get to know our next shows with DMS003 with Lackluster on MARCH19, PIANO DAY 2021 on MARCH 29 & CYBERDOMAIN VA001, Showcase party on APRIL 3 on WECU, which is a not-for-profit broadcasted radio station with live radio chat room.

Get started with Reminders ☆♪

Musiclovers and audiophiles, meet our roster on MIXLR & RESIDENT ADVISOR & moiCflo:

 Agenda & portfolio

I started thise moiCflo website as a place to share my professional learning & experience. My passion is to help others achieve greatness & make the world a healthier place.


Meaux Andromeda interviewed the artist BLAME for dnbuniverse.com


PLENIZEN SPA, Optimisation & relooking web


Media Strategy with RESET Label from India


ROOM OF WIRES new album to be released with the label Ant-Zen, April 13


Cover Art & design for Moons ov Mars - Self release Seq debut EP & Dubmatix remix on IRIE


Explore old favorites & discover new genres with these in-depth explainers and fun best-of tags. Find yours!


#newrelease #livestream‍ #coverart  ☆♪ 

We built a new website & online shop. Watch out for some exclusives in the future & big thanks for your support!

Credit Pic : Julien Allegret, Fractaliendesign - 3D DESIGNER - FRACTAL DESIGN

La musique, c'est du bruit qui pense. V. Hugo


Thank you for being a part of the worldwide network that helps entrepreneurs, artists and collectives to succeed. Tell me what you think! I'd love to get your feedback. You get the idea.





Thanks for joining,

Please make sure to add booking@moicflo.com & florence@ecunderground.com in your address book to make sure you receive our newsletters.

